Announcement: Curacubby now under new leadership

Lola Vaughn
April 3, 2020

Hope for Schools During COVID-19

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Hope for Schools During COVID-19

During a time of chaos in which countless schools are being affected by COVID-19, it’s easy to feel helpless when situations are out of your control as a school owner or administrator. Now more than ever, it’s important to discuss how Curacubby can support these educators and administrators during this stressful time. 

In episode two of Curacubby Podcast, we discuss helpful tools during this time as well as provide knowledge on how Curacubby can facilitate a better understanding of where you are as a business. It’s important to note that the newly passed Federal Coronavirus Aid Relief is an economic act that applies to schools across the country. Explicitly states that have been impacted tremendously by COVID-19. Visit a bank near you and fill out an application form to qualify for critical capital that can save your business. 

As COVID-19 affects individual states more than others, a portion of schools have yet to close. To ensure the safety of everyone in school, best practices are

  • Follow the Safety Guidelines as displayed by the CDC
  • Make sure you’re keeping aware of what your community is experiencing and look at your local data for infection rate
  • Pay close attention to what information local authorities are providing, such as mandates, etc.
  • Most importantly, stay in constant contact with your school families and make sure they are receiving any/all information in regards to your school directly from you.

As Curacubby witnesses what countless schools are facing in uprooting their Finance and Administration from their usual setting of the “back-office” and working those tasks from their home, many schools were unprepared to continue growing as a business during this pandemic. Recently, Curacubby launched a free program to all schools to have the ability to utilize Curacubby’s platform in sending out messages via email and SMS at zero cost to schools. Our “Reach Out” module enables admins to send personalized messages to one individual, but also custom groups by classrooms or even age groups and staff as well! Saving you so much time, manual entry mistakes, and giving you privacy without having to share your information. 

“Reach Out” allows you to have peace of mind, as well as the mindshare to know that you’ve made a positive effort in communicating with your family or staff, allowing them to receive important messages they need. 

Long are the days of texting each parent one-by-one, accidentally entering a wrong number, or possibly missing a parent in the bunch. Education Specialist, Surya Voinar recalls a time she used the tool herself as a school owner during the NorCal fires that urgently mandated school closures from one second to another. With the help of Curacubby’s “Reach Out” tool, she was able to pull her phone, log into her school via Curacubby, and send out a mass message informing parents and staff of the situation at hand. It was easy, fast, and most importantly, useful in a time of emergency. She passionately feels it is no small tool to be able to acquire. The value is significant not only on a business level but also on an emotional one as the owner of a child care center. 

It seems clear that having the flexibility to access your student and parent data, quickly, is a tremendous benefit that Curacubby can participate in offering your school. 

If your school is currently closed, a great way to prepare for the reopening of a new school year is by looking into ways to prepare yourself for the unexpected. COVID-19 has taught us that chaos waits for no one, and one must find the tools to help quickly adapt to situations. Your school might be physically shut but continues to function as a business. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are the policies around tuition?
  • What are the policies I have in place around billing and collections?
  • Are these policies being communicated to my parents?
  • Do I have a process in place to reinforce these policies?

Another critical factor is if your school is providing Distance Learning. Ensure that you’ve done your research on the number of free tools that can help you facilitate distant learning for teachers and students. Take advantage of the opportunities on free trials during this period and test if any work for you to apply now and possibly incorporate post-COVID-19. Be sure to test these tools out with staff or a family before you use it across the entire school.

Take advantage of a perfect window of time to look into implementing new ways to prepare your organization better. Now is the best opportunity to put new systems in place to allow both staff and parents to feel secure for any unforeseen happenings in the future. Time has always been the reason to stray from engaging in ways to improve your business and help you thrive. 

Curacubby prides itself as not only a software company per se but as a partnership. We are a company that thrives on relationships and believes in growing with you. Our onboarding process to get you started is simple! Contact us for a quick presentation with an education consultant. We’ll learn about your needs and set you up for success!