Announcement: Curacubby now under new leadership

The Easy-to-Use Email and Text Messaging Service for Schools

Email & SMS

Email & SMS

Privacy Settings

Privacy Settings

List Building

List Building

CRM Integration

CRM Integration

curacubby email and text messaging system for schools

Keep all your communication in one place.

Say goodbye to mail merges and other bulky sends. Reach Out offers an easy-to-use platform to manage all your family communications.

curacubby example school emails

Protect your personal information.

Improve your inbox with a system that won’t expose your personal number or email, so you don’t have to worry about inundating your systems with responses.

curacubby email system for schools

Target communications based on grouping.

Keep communication targeted and personalized by sending out communications by class, grade-level, team, or any other group you want to create.

"Because of Curacubby’s Reach Out system, I can easily draft an email, review it, and send it out to all my families. When COVID-19 hit, we were very proactive in communicating using this tool, so when we had to close, families were prepared. It was less of a reaction and more of a response.”
Caitlin Schmitt, Marin Enrichment