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September 29, 2022

10 Benefits of Stem Education You Didn't Know About

10 Benefits of Stem Education You Didn't Know About

10 Benefits of Stem Education You Didn't Know About

The benefits of STEM education reach well beyond the ability to combine numbers in your head, or chemicals in a flask. They’re improvements in awareness, intelligence, and social skills; the ability to break down large and complex issues into manageable problems to solve.

STEM education opens up a world of possibilities for those with an understanding of basic universal principles, and provides students with applicable skills and knowledge to almost every problem that exists.

The concerning rise of a scientifically-unfamiliar population must necessarily lead to a more anxious and reactionary populace, and in a time when these reactions are the most potent and transmissible. Conversely, a robust set of STEM fundamentals serves to counter this threat to our societies and keep us on track to a healthier and more prosperous world.

But what do these fundamentals bring? Here we’ve put together ten of the most applicable benefits of STEM programs, many of which you may not have considered.

What is STEM Education Good For?

Before we look at the ten additional skills that people gain from STEM programs, it’s a good idea to put things into perspective. It’s well recognized that a STEM education gives the best opportunity for higher-paying jobs, and even when taught at the elementary level, boosts the chances of success in any field.

This is possible because of the way that STEM requires the application of fundamental life skills such as teamwork and analysis; skills that translate easily and readily over to any field of work.

It’s the transferable nature of these skills that make STEM such a powerful tool for enabling young people and adults to live their best lives, be more successful, and become the next generation of innovators.

The alternative, sadly, may well be the relegation to an illiterate class of consumers, with no agency or direction, lost in a technological future to which they can contribute very little. The nature of our world is changing rapidly, for better or for worse, and without STEM education, we will have very little say over the direction of these changes.

On the other hand, by incorporating STEM into elementary classes and beyond, the world suddenly opens up for children around the globe to take control of their destinies and accomplish more with less.

Here, we have listed ten of the most significant perks of a STEM education that apply to far more than the disciplines in which they are taught. These are skills that come in handy at home, at work, and when alone. These are skills that show just why STEM for kids is so important.

Ten Benefits of STEM Education

Problem Solving Much of STEM education comes from repeatedly addressing problems, both in abstract and concrete contexts. Identifying and breaking down detailed or complex issues into solvable components teaches people how to work through issues.

Calculus is as much about teaching how to solve problems as it is about learning to use the numbers involved, meaning that the methodological manner of breaking things down and solving them translates well beyond the use of figures to do so.

Confidence This problem-solving ability, along with many other benefits on this list translate to a much more self-assured and independent cohort of students. Being literate in STEM allows for a deeper understanding of how things work in the day-to-day, and more understanding results in less fear and anxiety, leading to more confidence.
Facilitates Creativity The abstract concepts used in STEM promote creative thinkingand the ability to solve problems with imagination and trial and error. Creativity is an outlook that acts as a lens through which people see the world and its possibilities, and is represented by making connections between phenomena.

There is usually more than one way to solve a problem, and STEM teaches this flexibility in its approach. Allowing people to come up with solutions on their own, and to ask the ‘why’ questions stimulates this creative thinking.

Critical Thinking Perhaps now, more than ever before, the dangers of a lack of critical thinking are apparent and pressing. With a more interconnected and powerful world, the risks of being misled by misinformation have never been more significant, and low rates of critical thinking are most prone to this misinformation.

Many of the benefits of STEM programs come from the boost to critical thinking skills that students carry with them through life.

STEM programs teach people not to simply take things at face value, and -more importantly – not to rely on what seems intuitive. This results in more informed decisions and counters the spread of misinformation.

Analytic Reasoning This could be considered a subset of critical thinking, and refers to the ability to argue with evidence and reason. STEM teaches the process of bringing patterns to the forefront of discussion and discussing them in detail, conceptualizing and promoting an informed claim with evidence to support it.

This form of reasoning allows people to identify not just patterns, but the real cause of these patterns, and therefore the appropriate action to be taken in response to them. This applies to both qualitative and quantitative information, and thus translates into a daily life skill.

Promotes Innovation From creativity and reason come innovation. Innovation is the driver for the improvement of tangible, existing processes, objects, or systems, and is the basis for continuous improvement.
stem classes for girls and boys


Understanding how systems work, and how to solve problems like bottlenecks by breaking them down naturally translates into innovative thinking and is stimulated heavily in STEM programs.

Promotes Collaboration Teamwork is a social skill that isn’t necessarily innate. STEM teaches collaboration in the way it pushes people to work together on solutions. Establishing a common goal is one of the key components to collaboration and the skills learned in these lessons will translate into a better sense of teamwork and communication in everyday life.  
Systems Understanding The understanding of systems in itself is a skill that will be invaluable in many different contexts. Systems thinking spurs a bigger-picture view of the world, and this has implications for business, as well as society as a whole.
Future-proofing One of the most significant benefits of STEM education is that it creates a generation of adults who are capable of matching the pace of technological advancement. The common trope of the grandparent struggling with the VCR becomes more cutting and real with every generation as technology advances at an accelerated rate.

With solid STEM fundamentals, people are able to change with the times and are less likely to be left behind.  

Interconnected Viewpoints – The fundamentals of STEM education can be applied in almost every context in life. Being taught and encouraged in just how to apply them across multiple disciplines creates mental agility; the combination of social, general and technological intelligence, and the ability to switch between them as necessary.


There’s no question that individuals and societies are safer and more advanced, both socially and economically, with a STEM-educated population. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics underpin everything we do in modern life and represent everything we can accomplish in the future. Without them, we have no vehicles, no computers, no medicine, and no TVs.

A scientifically illiterate population can only become a servant to those with the power to design, create, maintain and fix advanced technologies of the modern world, and it’s therefore critically important to have as many minds working on these problems as we can get.