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6 Outdoor Afterschool Activities: A Natural Approach to Learning

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6 Outdoor Afterschool Activities: A Natural Approach to Learning

6 Outdoor Afterschool Activities: A Natural Approach to Learning

Children are naturally curious, full of questions, and possess an insatiable desire to explore the world around them. Afterschool programs are crucial in nurturing this curiosity, providing a safe environment for children to grow and learn outside the confines of traditional classrooms. These programs serve as platforms for project-based learning, fostering critical thinking, and driving community engagement. Among the different types of afterschool programs, outdoor activities have a unique role in shaping a child's development. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at six outdoor afterschool activities and their incredible benefits for children.

Outdoor Activities: An Unconventional Classroom

Think back to your childhood. The lessons you remember most vividly are probably not the ones you learned sitting at a desk, but rather the ones where you were actively engaged – outdoors, playing, and exploring. The great outdoors is an unconventional, dynamic classroom offering limitless opportunities for experiential learning.

Outdoor activities are more than just play; they offer children the chance to engage with their surroundings, promoting physical health, refining social skills, and fostering cognitive development. Such activities nurture a child's critical thinking skills as they learn to navigate and interpret their environment, drawing conclusions from their observations.

Moreover, these activities allow for project-based learning. Children learn by doing, creating, and solving problems – whether that's identifying a bird species or building a treehouse. Furthermore, outdoor activities provide children with an opportunity for community engagement. They learn about their local environment, its importance, and ways they can contribute to its preservation.

6 Outdoor Afterschool Activities: A Natural Approach to Learning

In the following section, we explore six engaging outdoor afterschool activities: the Nature Scavenger Hunt, Gardening, Outdoor Arts and Crafts, Astronomy Night, Outdoor Sports/Physical Education, and Bird Watching or Insect Identification. Each of these activities fosters a unique blend of critical thinking, project-based learning, and community engagement, stimulating both the body and mind while instilling a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

1. Nature Scavenger Hunt

A nature scavenger hunt serves as an exciting way for children to interact with their environment. By identifying various plants, birds, and insects, children can hone their observational skills while broadening their knowledge of local ecosystems. This activity fosters critical thinking, as children learn to differentiate between species and understand their unique characteristics. Additionally, it encourages a deeper appreciation for biodiversity and instills a sense of responsibility towards conservation.

2. Gardening

Introducing children to gardening is a beautiful way to instill a sense of responsibility and patience. As they plant seeds and care for them, they witness the marvel of life cycles firsthand. This project-based learning activity equips children with valuable knowledge about plant biology, soil nutrition, and the importance of environmental care. It also promotes physical activity and can offer a sense of achievement as they see their plants grow and thrive.

3. Outdoor Arts and Crafts

Using nature as both inspiration and a resource can stir children's creativity and imagination. They can paint with natural pigments, create sculptures from found objects, or weave with leaves and twigs. This activity not only provides a platform for self-expression but also enables children to interpret and portray their understanding of nature artistically. Additionally, it helps improve fine motor skills, encourages mindfulness, and enhances aesthetic appreciation.

4. Astronomy Night

Hosting an astronomy night can ignite a child's interest in space sciences and the vast universe. By learning about constellations, planets, and moon phases, children engage in astronomical exploration that enhances their critical thinking skills and scientific curiosity. This activity not only broadens their knowledge but also cultivates a sense of wonder and respect for the universe's complexities and beauties.

kids observing the night sky

5. Outdoor Sports/Physical Education

Engaging in outdoor sports or physical education promotes physical fitness and encourages teamwork and sportsmanship. Activities can range from traditional sports like soccer or basketball to unique games that stimulate strategic thinking. These activities not only ensure children stay active but also provide an enjoyable way for them to learn about rules, strategy, and coordination. Plus, they foster community engagement and encourage friendly competition.

6. Bird Watching or Insect Identification

Bird watching or insect identification fosters a deep appreciation for wildlife and can inspire children to become young environmental stewards. By identifying different species, children develop keen observational skills and learn about various animal behaviors, habitats, and roles in our ecosystem. This activity not only enhances their understanding of biology but also encourages empathy for all living creatures, fostering a more compassionate future generation.

These six activities present a myriad of opportunities for project-based learning, rooted in hands-on experience and exploration. Each encourages critical thinking, prompting children to observe, analyze, and draw their own conclusions about their environment. By engaging with these activities, children not only have fun and stay active, but they also become more involved in their communities, cultivating a strong sense of connection and stewardship towards the natural world.

Practical Tips for Parents and Educators

Incorporating outdoor activities into your child's afterschool program can provide enriching learning experiences. Here are some tips to facilitate this process:

  • Foster enthusiasm: Encourage children's participation in outdoor activities. However, let them learn at their own pace and do not push them excessively. Remember, the primary goal is to make learning enjoyable.
  • Safety first: Ensure safety at all times. When activities involve tools, equipment, or require physical exertion, supervision is essential. Provide the necessary protective gear and instructions to ensure the child's well-being.
  • Build on their curiosity: Use these activities as springboards for further learning. For example, a nature scavenger hunt could lead to a project on local ecosystems or the life cycle of an insect.
  • Celebrate small victories: Reward effort and celebrate accomplishments, no matter how small. This will boost their confidence and encourage them to tackle more challenging projects.
  • Encourage reflection: After each activity, engage children in reflective discussions. Ask them what they learned, what they found challenging, and what they enjoyed most. This practice reinforces learning and helps improve future activities.
  • Lead by example: Demonstrate a positive attitude towards outdoor activities and show enthusiasm. Your involvement and excitement can significantly influence a child's interest in participating.

Remember, the goal is to create a conducive learning environment that not only educates but also excites and inspires.


Outdoor afterschool activities offer an excellent platform for children to experience project-based learning, foster critical thinking skills, and engage meaningfully with their communities. By immersing children in these enriching activities, we cultivate not just their academic abilities, but also a deep-seated respect for the environment and a lifelong passion for learning.

At Curacubby, we believe in this holistic approach to education. We understand the importance of a well-rounded learning experience, one that goes beyond the classroom and encourages children to explore, innovate, and interact with the world around them. That's why we strive to support schools and educators in offering these transformative experiences. So, whether it's a nature scavernation hunt or an astronomy night, we're there to ensure that the journey of learning never ceases. Because in the end, it's not just about creating better students; it's about nurturing the leaders, thinkers, and creators of tomorrow.

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